"The Bamenda Man has not Gone to Work for one Year given the Ghost town ...
According to Achobong Paul mayor of the Bamenda City Council , The ghost town that has been on for 4 years as the Crisis in the NW and SW regions of the Country escalated to what we now ranging its effects on the economy. in the days ahead there are measures taken to make sure the phenomenon becomes history in 2021 given the economic lost on the Bamenda Man, The ghost town in the two regions mostly on Mondays is the most feared day by Government workers, Economic workers and all living within the crisis hit zones. Some communities have gone without markets, Schools, Hospitals, Public Services (especially on Mondays) and even farming. Constant Boycott of Elections, Parliamentary Sessions and more had deprived The Bamenda Man ant the NWR as a whole off some economic Benefits from the state like construction of modern stadiums which almost all regions now have and good road network. As a plus the Restriction on Bike movements to certain areas of the city of B...