
Showing posts from December, 2020

Bamenda: 30th December Eve Saw the Ravishing of Used Metals Dumping Site by Flames

Image Fire accident in Bamenda

Prof Fru Angwafor North West Regional Council President Addresses The Population

Prof Fru Angwafor fobuzshi coming at the helm of the North West Regional Assembly on 22nd December 2020 at the Hills of Bamenda Upstation tells the North West Population: " This is a new beginning, a rebirth of the North West Region. It is the responsibility of one asundery of everyone young and old to seek peace. Peace is an individual attribute, it comes from within and let us cultivate a positive mindset. Let us look for the silver lining within the dark clouds. The North West Region has immersed Potentials but that potential can only be taped by a discipline humble population and I know they are. I believe in our people, I know we will turn the tides, I am convinced we can talk to one another. I believe in every home, every Njangi, every social gathering we can discuss our living together and as the Regional Assembly has so well articulated today in very simple terms we will be one another's keeper in all sociality and Fatality  . You Na Me, Me Na You, We Be We that is the...

Prof Fru Angwafor North West Regional Council President Addresses The Population

Prof Fru Angwafor fobuzshi coming at the helm of the North West Regional Assembly on 22nd December 2020 at the Hills of Bamenda Upstation tells the North West Population: " This is a new beginning, a rebirth of the North West Region. It is the responsibility of one asundery of everyone young and old to seek peace. Peace is an individual attribute, it comes from within and let us cultivate a positive mindset. Let us look for the silver lining within the dark clouds. The North West Region has immersed Potentials but that potential can only be taped by a discipline humble population and I know they are. I believe in our people, I know we will turn the tides, I am convinced we can talk to one another. I believe in every home, every Njangi, every social gathering we can discuss our living together and as the Regional Assembly has so well articulated today in very simple terms we will be one another's keeper in all sociality and Fatality  . You Na Me, Me Na You, We Be We that is the...